Important Information

Are you a healthcare professional?

The contents on the following page contain information addressed exclusively to HEALTHCARE OPERATORS, as they refer to products re-entered in the category of medical devices that require the use or intervention by professionals in the medical-health sector in compliance with current legislation .

Important Information

Are you a healthcare professional?

The contents on the following page contain information addressed exclusively to HEALTHCARE OPERATORS, as they refer to products re-entered in the category of medical devices that require the use or intervention by professionals in the medical-health sector in compliance with current legislation .

Acute respiratory failure


DECAPsmart® Plus

DECAPsmart® Plus is a fully integrated system that provide an enhanced CO₂ Removal therapies by combining oxigenation and ultrafiltration to patients affected by respiratory problems in ICU.

The therapy obtains a significant reduction of CO₂ using low blood flow rates if compared with other techniques.


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More info about DECAPsmart® Plus

Call us at +39 0535 51159

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